
“In Omnia Paratus” for Amplified String Quartet and Live Effects Processing. Performed by the Prometheus String Quartet (Elijah Bui, Violin I; Rob Leong, Violin II; Olivia Boughton, viola; Yusef Ibrahim, cello) and conducted by Matthew McCurry at the Creative Arts Center WVU.

Program Notes:

In Omnia Paratus is the narrative of a battle that occurred just outside of Tikrit, Iraq in 2004. Will deployed with the 1stInfantry Division (“The Big Red One”) in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom II, while at Forward Operating Base Remagen I was there to play a gig at the chow hall. While walking to the chow hall I heard something strange coming from the direction of Forward Operating Base Omaha were 1stof the 18thInfantry Regiment (1stInfantry Division) was deployed, which was just across road 24. The strange sounds I heard were not what one typically associates with combat. The sounds began as nothing and seemed to come from Chaos or the void of the desert, quiet and constant with no discernable variation of rhythm. It sounded similar to sand or small stones being continually poured out ad infinitum. Walking closer to the chow hall only increased the volume. The aural ability to make sense of the sound still eluded me. However the sense of something not being right caused a considerable amount of tension. The tension was increased exponentially as this wash of sound became aurally perceptible. The sounds of mortars and grenades being fired were the first to become clear. The original wash of sound was not sand or stone being poured it was that the continuous rate of small arms fire that created a sound similar to white noise. I finally had the realization that a battle had occurred between the 1stof the 18thInfantry Regiment and insurgents, and was confirmed later. These sounds were not the cinematic controlled sounds of war in movies or television but they were the unintelligible, violent, and chaotic sounds of actual combat. Upon entering the chow hall the sound began to fade into nothing, going back to the void of the desert. The absence of sound did not bring relief from the tension of combat it only showed that war was ever present and waiting to come from and go back into Chaos.

The title of the piece is taken from the Distinctive unit insignia (see image on title page) of the 18thInfantry Regiment (“Vanguards”). In Omnia Paratus is Latin for “ready for anything.”


“Flutter” for piano. Performed by Jacob Sandridge at the Creative Arts Center, WVU.

Program Notes:

“I wanted to explore the idea of how a rhythmic disturbance (flutter) would interfere with the original steady rhythms over time. The piece is guided by a series of rules that dictates how it unfolds over time. This was done to insure that the piece would not become too rhythmically chaotic too quickly.”

“Autumn” for flute and piano.

Opera dealing with the War on Terror – “War Without End.”

Introduction to “22.”

Electronic piece “Three Miniatures.”

Jazz piece “Monk Like (For Ben).”

Electronic piece “The Truth Is Not Out There.”

Orchestral piece “The Call.”

Electronic piece “Sublogic.”

Jazz piece “My Love.”